Tips for traveling during a pandemic
Hello beautiful people.. It’s been a while.
The picture above was taken during my trip to Jamaica. I honestly cant wait to visit again!!!
With everything going on in the world I have not been able to travel and for sure I do miss hoping on an airplane to a new destination. However, I still find myself planning future trips which makes me feel good.
I spoke with couple of friends who have been traveling during the pandemic and I noticed that mostly the solo travels returned back home safely without being infected by Covid. Here is a short Covid travel story and my thoughts about traveling in groups during this period.
2 sets of friends traveled in separate groups to the same location. In one group half came back with covid, the other group they were all negative (Although they might have been asymptomatic)… this is a hit and miss! Then again, the same set of people who got covid could still have gotten it too even if they hadn’t traveled.
So it’s not about the trip it’s about the actions you take in taking care of yourself when you travel ANYWHERE!
My Opinion
I hope you enjoyed this post… I look forward to writing more. I wish you an amazing week ahead!!!
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